pizza gluten free

There is something magical about making a homemade pizza: the smell wafting through the kitchen, the crispness of the freshly baked crust and the joy of sharing the table with friends.

Make gluten-free pizza with our organic flour and enjoy a gluten-free pan pizza without compromising on quality and traditional taste.

Use MIX Pizza Spigabuona.

All Antico Molino Rosso Spigabuona flours used in this recipe are:

Follow the recipt of Cuocadè:



  1. Combine in a bowl the pizza mix and yeast, compound.
  2. In another bowl, combine the oil, lukewarm water (the water should not be boiling) and salt while stirring.
  3. Pour the liquid into the flour and yeast and mix well until smooth (do not add more flour or water or oil).
  4. Pour the dough onto a sheet of baking paper.
  5. With a wet spoon, spread the dough on the baking paper to a thickness of up to one centimetre.
  6. When spreading the dough, the spoon must always be wet to prevent the dough from sticking to the spoon.
  7. Transfer the rolled-out dough onto a baking tray and cover with cling film (take care that the film does not touch the dough, as it will then double in volume).
  8. Leave to rise in a switched-off oven for about 2 hours or until doubled in volume.
  9. Once risen, remove the foil and bake at 230°C (oven must be preheated) for 5 minutes.
  10. Una volta sfornata, versa la passata di pomodoro arricchita con un filo di olio extarvergine di oliva sulla pizza e cuoci per altri 5 minuti. 
  11. Remove from the oven and crumble in the well squeezed and crumbled mozzarella and oregano and bake for a further 8 minutes. 
  12.  To give an extra touch, once the pizza is out of the oven, crumble in another piece of mozzarella and let it melt with the heat of the pizza.


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